Parks / Gardens

Raikyu-ji Temple Garden

Japan, 716-0016 18 Yakujicho, Raikyuji Town Takahashi City, Okayama Prefecture

Raikyu-ji Temple is said to be one of the Ankoku-ji temples built by Ashikaga Takauji in various provinces, and its garden is a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty. The garden is a dry landscape garden built by Kobori Enshu, who was appointed to the area as the magistrate of Bitchu Province, and is attracting attention as a garden that shows the origins of Enshu gardens. Completed in the early Edo period, it shows characteristics of the late Momoyama period, and it is valuable that it has been preserved in its original form.

Business Time

9:00-17:00 No closing days

Telephone number 0866-22-3516
Website http://takahasikanko.or.jp/modules/spot/index.php?content_id=2
  • 20 minutes from Kayo IC on the Okayama Expressway Parking: 10 standard-sized cars 15 minutes on foot from JR Bitchu-Takahashi Station
Language 日本語
Other Admission: 400 yen for adults, 200 yen for middle and high school students, free for elementary school students and younger. Azaleas: Late April to late May (1,000 square meters)

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