
Koumorizuka Tumulus

Japan, 719-1123 Kanbayashi, Soja City, Okayama Prefecture

This keyhole-shaped tumulus was built in the 6th century and is about 100m long, with a huge horizontal stone chamber on the same scale as the Ishibutai Tumulus in Nara. In the center of the stone chamber is a house-shaped sarcophagus carved out of a limestone monolith. On February 15, 1967, it was designated as a national historic site.

Website https://www.city.soja.okayama.jp/bunka/kanko/shitei_bunkazai/kuni/kuni_09.html
  • Approximately 10 minutes from Okayama Expressway Okayama Soja IC or Sanyo Expressway Kurashiki IC Approximately 15 minutes by taxi from JR Soja Station
Language 日本語

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