Okayama / Bizen
Art & Design

Okayama Orient Museum

Japan, 9-31 Tenjin-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-0814

Housed in a building with an exterior reminiscent of an ancient Iraqi temple, it is a specialized museum that introduces Oriental culture that originated in Mesopotamian civilization and reached the Islamic era. It has a collection of approximately 5,000 excavated artifacts and works of art such as stone tools dating back 50,000 years. [About the building of Okayama Orient Museum of Art] The only public art museum in Japan that specializes in ancient oriental art. The three large atriums that appear inside the building, which look like stacked boxes, incorporate elements of Oriental architecture that architect Shinichi Okada experienced during his research trips throughout West Asia. Unusually for an art museum, natural light is incorporated in various ways, and the soft light falling from the top lights (lighting windows) creates a rich and atmospheric space. Regarding tours and photography: Photography is not allowed in the exhibition room.

Business Time

9:00-17:00 (Admission until 16:30) Closed: Mondays (the next day if Monday is a holiday) December 28th to January 4th, exhibition changing period (as needed)

Telephone number 086-232-3636
Website https://www.city.okayama.jp/orientmuseum/
  • Approximately 20 minutes from Sanyo Expressway Okayama IC Parking: None However, if you use the municipal Tenjincho parking lot, you will receive a discount ticket (100 yen per car) at the hotel reception. About 15 minutes walk from JR Okayama Station, or about 5 minutes by tram, get off at "Joshita", and it's on your left.
Wi-Fi Yes
Payment method
  • Credit card:Available
  • (JCB/VISA/Mastercard/American Express)
  • Electronic money:Available
  • (Suica/ICOCA, PASMO, Kitaca, TOICA, manaca, SUGOCA, nimoca, etc.)
  • QR payment:Available
  • (Paypay/Alipay/d Pay, au PAY, Rakuten Pay, J-Coin Pay, WeChat Pay, UnionPay, iD, etc.)
Language 日本語
Other Price: 310 yen for adults, 210 yen for high school and university students, 100 yen for elementary and junior high school students, free for people with disabilities, one accompanying person, and those over 65 years old. *Special rates apply during special exhibitions.

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